Just For Fun

2:57 AM

Ini dia ada beberapa video atau rekaman suara yg aku bikin iseng-iseng bersama teman-teman:


Boyfriend - Justin Bieber with Chelsy & Diva

Ran - Kulakukan Semua Untukmu with Chelsy & Diva

Ran - Kulakukan Semua Untukmu with Chelsy, Cynta, & Selly


You can check my soundcloud on: https://soundcloud.com/titapratiwi
There's a song made by friend; Vanya and played by our band in Junior High School called The Queens.
We made that band just for ekskul.
Me as keyboardist, Yaspis & Zipora as guitarist, Diva as vocalist (sometimes Zipora too), Vanya as drummer, and Reren as bassist.
And two others songs is the songs that I played on my electone. Just for fun!

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