Let's Be Happy, Universe

8:32 AM

Am I bad if sometimes I still think that I have the hardest problem in this world right now? Yes, I think I'm so selfish if my thought is like that.
Everyone has their own problem which probably they think that their problem is the hardest one, like my thought. Right, we're only human. Our brain will give that opinion naturally.

Well, talk about problem. For me problem is just another word of blessing. If we say blessing, it's definitely a gift from God. So, problem is a gift from God. It took around 19 years for me to can say words like that. I've been having many experiences of ups and downs; well exactly not as much as you who is older than me.
Learn the downs is way much harder than the up ones. I think everyone is agree with this. Because our feeling when we're in up situation is happy otherwise if in down situations, we're sad or even miserable.
But for me, when we're happy, in that situation God is still there but maybe not really close.
Otherwise, when we're sad, God is so near with us. He hugs us. He holds our hands. He indicates that He's there with us all the time. He reminds us that we still have Him. He wants us to be close to Him all the time. He gives us problem to make us stronger. Life gets hard, and He wants make us even stronger to face it all.

Happy and sad.
Smile and cry.
Depends on which persprective you could see. Everything has positive and negative sides.
I feel it too that seeing the positive ones is way harder than the negative ones. Indeed. Really hard.
My very first execution when I feel sad is crying. Because when I see a problem there, I always see it negatively. Always. I'm only human right?
It takes time to can see problem from the positive sides. From my experience, I took three until four months to stop crying. Then I realize when I cried everyday, the problem is still here and there. At that time, crying was the only way to make my brain, heart, and body felt better. Because problem never knocks the door when they want to enter our home.
Someone ever said this to me:
"Menangislah sepuasnya sampai merasa lega, jika tangisan itu tidak bisa berhenti, maka biarkan kami (siblings, friends, bf/gf, so on) yang menghapuskannya."
Right, I feel free from my worry when I cry, but the problem itself it hasn't solved yet. You must know when you have to stop your tears.

And from the problem that I've been had,
I know myself becomes stronger.
Myself becomes closer to Him.

When you have problem or even problems, just smile :)
Entertaining yourself when it appears to feel sad. You're the only one who knows yourself well. So, you must know how to entertain yourself when it starts feeling sad. I give a suggestion; try to smile when you start crying. For me, it works. It can cancel the tears to roll down on your cheeks.
You wish a happiness from other people? Haha you must learn this life harder dude.
Yourself decides everything.
To smile or to cry.
To be happy or to be sad.
To be kind or to be bad.
To be this and to be that.
You lead yourself.
Everything depends on you.

Problem makes us learning many things.
Be grateful to have them in our life.
I know it's more than hard, but you have to be strong to face it as fck!
Don't let anyone steal your happiness.

Let's be happy, Universe. :)

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