One Direction, On The Road Again Tour, 2015 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

10:50 PM

I still don't know that day was one of my best or worst day of my life.
But, I still can't believe that day I saw his face & body (altough a bit far) and heard his voice live (this is the important one)
I've been waiting for... wait lemme count it. Maybe about three years. Yes, honestly I'm not following them since the day that they perform as One Direction. After a year I just realized that they're so adorable :))
And honestly, I deeply fall in love just with Harry Styles. Since first time I saw him on picture. But, I adore One Direction too because their voice is good and their songs too.

Jadi, ga akan melewatkan kesempatan untuk nonton mereka secara live. Bisa dibaca di postingan bawah cerita tentang beli tiket 👇👇

That day, I didn't feel that-excited. Like just... "Oh, I'm gonna see One Direction live." By the way, except Zayn. Yap, waktu konser di Indonesia masih belom ada announce kalo Zayn keluar dari 1D.

But hey...
Sebelum konser dimulai, seisi GBK yang penuh dengan directioners, in case ada orang tua dan lain-lainnya yang mungkin menemani sang directioners ya, nyanyiin "Indonesia Raya". Entah kenapa, merinding. That was my first time ke GBK. Walaupun bukan buat nonton bola tapi nonton konser, ngedenger seisi GBK melantangkan lagu kebangsaan sebegitu semangat, merinding aja. GBK penuh banget, kayak hampir ga ada kursi tersisa. Kecuali tribun atas ya yang emang ga dipake sama promotor :))

DJ membuka malam itu dengan meriah. Mereka ngasih lagu-lagu hits zaman sekarang dengan alunan disko yang bikin kita semangat. Apalagi buat anak-anak festival yang udah berdiri dari jam 16:00 WIB, masih ditimpa hujan pula. Tapi, untunglah show jam 19:00 WIB, entah kenapa hujannya langsung berhenti. Setelah DJ menyelesaikan tugasnya, ternyata Harry dkk ga langsung keluar. Kita masih harus menunggu persiapan panggung, katanya. Udah kebiasaan sih mereka "ngaret" di setiap show mereka :))
Waktu nunggu mereka show up, kita dikasih video-video musik dari beberapa talent "Modest Management". Heboh sih, di bagian 5SOS & Little Mix. Itu pun kalo bagian Perrie aka Zayn's girlfriend aja...

Video Macarena & Single Ladies udah ditampilin. Seharusnya, setelah ini 1D show up. Tapi, kita diPHP lagi. Uhhhh udah biasa kok diPHP lol :))

And... here they go!
Setelah video intro ditampilin, seisi GBK langsung berdiri dan tingkat keexcitedan mereka meningkat 1000000% I think lol lebay. And, they appread with "Clouds".

Harry was there.
With Niall, Liam, and Louis.
No zayn.

Harry was with 2 buns. Uhhh I'm a bit dissapointed because I wanna see his hair digerai </3

They all wore a simple outfit as always.
And that time, all in black.
Harry was in black t-shirt.
Liam too but with kemeja kotak-kotak.
Niall and Louis was in black too, Niall wore t-shirt but Louis wore tank-top.

They're all as gorgeous as I see them everyday on pictures.

Gezzzz I'm speechless.

I see Harry Styles in real life.
Bonus Niall, Liam, and Louis.
But still, no Zayn.

Liam yang paling sering ngomong ke audience.
Niall so cute, mainin gitar terus.
Louis banyak diem, tp suara dia paling khas dan paling gampang dikenali.
Harry.... paling suka sembur-sembur air minumnya ke atas hahahaha paling sering ngeliat ke arah penonton di festival. I swear Harry, I swear someday. I'll see you from front row. It's a must. Okay!

I heard they sang LITTLE THINGS live guys.
Can't you believe it?
The most romantic song I think :))

Mereka nyanyiin 23 lagu.
Dan diakhir perform, Fireworks closed that night beautifully.

Liam: "Jakarta! You are the loudest crowd so far." (Maybe he says these words to almost country on his shows lol)

Entah sih. Iya aku excited.
Tapi, ga tau kenapa kayak ada yang kurang gitu dari mereka. Atau bisa dibilang "sesuatu yang mengganjal"
I'm happy. But, not as happy as waktu aku menunggu tanggal 25 Maret 2015...

And that's right.
Baru aja SEJAM pulang dari konser.
Directioners all around the world, got a really really bad news.
Zayn bukan cuma break dari One Direction, tapi ZAYN MALIK KELUAR DARI ONE DIRECTION ((KELUAR))

Sedih gila baca beritanya.
Bahkan setelah sekian tahun aku jadi Directioners, belom sempat denger high note Zayn yang begitu indah, dia udah keluar aja dari 1D.
Antara sedih, kecewa, dan mau gimana lagi-feelings.

Jadi, menurut analisaku sih.
Mungkin aku merasa mereka ber-4 itu kan lagi "ga karuan" perasaannya... mau sesemangat mereka nutupin perasaan "ga karuan" itu, pasti sedikit banyak bakal ngaruh ke perform mereka kan. Nah, mungkin aku yang terlalu peka (lol) sama mereka terutama Harry (lol again) jadi ya, excited, tapi still something was wrong.

Idk 25th March, 2015 was my best or worst day of life.
But, I'll keep those memories in my heart.
Karena ga semua orang ngerasain.
Gimana dari degdegan cari tiket.
Berusaha buat berangkat ke Jakarta.
Suasana sewaktu ngantri.
Sampe bisa lompat-lompat and sing along with all Indonesian Directioners.
Nothing can replace those experiences and feels.
I'll keep it forever.

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