
nine (plus bonus one) best moments in 2016

7:54 AM

if instagram has nine best photos of the year, here i have my best nine (plus bonus one) moments of the year 2016. YEAAAAAAY (pretend it is the back sound, K?)

[the number isn't matter, i am now just randomly writing it.]

  1. got the chance to hold "SasArt Fest 2016" with Sastra Indonesia 2014 and 2015. maybe only few people who knew how stressed i was at that time. that was the first time for me to be the chief of that-kind-of-event, even that was the first "big" event for Sastra Indonesia. and you probably could guess how happy and proud i am after finishing that one of my big responsibilities this year. high five my whole partners and everyone who helped us! thank God.
  2. could through the tough "KKN Alternatif 2016" with my Minomartani-team. why that was tough? ehm well, that's a secret baby :P BUT I WAS SO HAPPY COULD DO IT, well maybe not that well but at least i really done my best as i could. high five, Gusti-Dinda-Dion-Eka-Siska-Qiqi-Rara! thank God.

  3. i already moved on from someone who...who...whoahahahaha LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. but seriously, this is one of my achievement this year lol. i moved on without even need help of anybody else. i healed my heart by myself. *big-applause* thank you, i know i'm cool lol lol lol. high five Tita! thank God.
  4. i started doing make up, like seriously?! i even once said that i hate make up so much, but guys, this is life, your act could be 180 degrees different with your word. hahahaha. and it turned out unexpectedly i could do it well with youtube as my guru. yaiy.

  5. i met my new family called Siesen Jaksa 2016. idk i just feel happy to know them. we were a great team. high five Yoga-Dennis-Biwara-Kresna-Garda-Akmal-Deni-Wilma-Gaby-Celline! thank God.

  6. my 20th birthday. i think every birthday in every year has a special place in your heart, isn't it? well it is for me. it means God gives me another year for another better chance of life. i am always grateful for that. you could read about my 20th birthday here. yap, your welcome. high five and thank God.

  7. my quality time with my family. i am a family person, yes, i think everyone are. family over everything, they come first. we went to Kediri, Borobudur, Tawangmangu, Salatiga, and only around Jogja. i hope next year we have another far trip yash, amen! oh God how i love spend time with them, especially a road trip with good music on it! <3

  8. and yes, the trip with friends would be matter for me too. i went to Jakarta with Sastra Indonesia 2014 and a few of the peeps from 2013. we did our "Kunjungan Studi to Jakarta" that was exciting yet tiring hahaha but i was still happy tho. after that, Selly, Pulo, Dion, Dhayu, Eka, and I decided to stay in Jakarta for days. it was so fun! i stayed a day longer there at my dad'. on that last day i walked alone at PIM, it was exciting tho. my first time hangout with myself in Jakarta, and i am addicted. cant wait to get that chance again in another time, aye!

  9. i became a director of "HIGAISHA"!!! even tough it was for my subject, but it was so challenging for me. i wrote the script, chose the actors and actresses, did make up and costumes, and chose the settings, even the back sound by myself. WOW. i was stressed out at that time honestly hahahaha but yeah, i am Tita, i could do it guys whop! oh yea, i became an actress too bcs my friend, Gusti, was giving up to chose the actress at that time lol. cheers to myself. thank God.

  10. (THIS IS BONUS K?) i am active again in dancing. i am beyond happy!

i can't say thank enough to my precious Lord for this amazing year. and thanks to my pretty nature! to be honest, i have so many good moments besides those 10 moments which i can't say here EHHHEEEE. i really had many new lessons of life this year, and i am thankful for that. those experiences will be in my heart forever, and exactly will be my "bekal" for my future #a6.

i want to say thanks too to everyone who make this year even more amazing than it is. i would like to say sorry to if i have some mistakes to everyone of you who read this. i am just an ordinary human :') #halah

i don't have any specific resolution for 2017, just let it flow and let God lead my way. cause i way too believe in Him. cant wait to see what "yang sudah disiapkan oleh Tuhan dan semesta" for me in 2017 :')

but but but, my biggest resolution for 2017 is trying kind of "MIE AYAM" AS MANY AS I CAN YASH


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017!!!!!

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