
Nine Best Moments of 2017

9:51 PM

this is the 2017' version of my best nine moments. i already wrote last year' version if you want to read that first. yes, you're very welcome.

i repeat it again. i inspired by instagram to make this, if they have the best nine photos of the year, here i have my best nine moments of the year (2017)!!!

1. Staf Humas Universitas Sanata Dharma

       i even sometimes underestimate myself to be more independent than before. i even sometimes cant imagine to the part of my life that i have to pay all stuffs by myself. but you know, we always have something to learn in life. i make myself a bit shocked. i can work hard (to me its hard enough for first time jobber like me lol). i have been working since May and i am a bit proud of myself. that feeling when you could buy thing from your own money; & that money which you got because all your hard work tanpa embel-embel diberi orang tua lagi. that feeling bro! *ok lebay lol* i am so glad and grateful that i can have so many new experiences. many more to come next year! & the another thing is i have a new family. oh one thing! mukaku terpampang di baliho besar {tujuan kuliah sudah tercapai :-) H3H3H3}

2. Jalan-jalan with Family

       this year is pretty exciting for me because i got (i could say) many opportunities to go to any city. starting from the beginning of this year, i went to beach with le familia! and the mid of this year, we went to Malang & Kediri yaiy!

a) beach

      ive already wrote it on my blog. click b)!

c) Kediri

      another trip to Kediri! an exciting one day trip actually!


3. Sambil Menyelam Minum Air

a) Bandung
      actually this was not a real trip because our real aim was to join an event. i went to Bandung this August. all was because i joined "SETALI 2017", Erta, Uun, Eka, Amry, and I had a chance to be a presenter in Annual International Conference of Linguistic at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). it was such an exciting experience to me too because i had to present my thesis to people, but in the other side i was so glad because i got comments that make my thesis better (i hope haha!)
      ya kami sambil menyelam, minum air dong ya! akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk singgah di Bandung beberapa hari untuk curi-curi liburan sebelum masuk semester 7 yash! i got a chance to wear a kinda Kimono things at Float Market Lembang yeay happy me!

a) expo

      because i join "Humas USD", i got a chance to go to a several cities this year. jarak terjauhku ke Cibinong, Jawa Barat; lainnya ke Muntilan, Bawen, dan Temanggung if i'm not mistaken. so happy bisa kerja sambil "jalan-jalan". i hope next year i could go a bit or maybe further, Amen!

dapet bonus wey~
4. 21st Birthday

       as i ever said, a birthday will always have a special place in my heart ehe~ because i always got those greetings and wishes. tahun ini aga' absurd ya soalnya yg ultah siapa, yg cari roti siapa. cari roti sendiri lho w wqwqwq. keluarga w emang kurang romantis :))

then, i got a surprise from my bestfwiend!

terus dapet suprise lagi dong dari temen-temen kerja, surprise ini paling DRAMA! nangis wue eug WQWQWQ

5. Tugas Kuliah yang Berat

       well sekali ya saya memasukkan tugas kuliah di list best moment ini LOL. the most exciting part is making a short movie, pementasan drama, and making a magazine (i was the layouter that's why it was exciting yet tiring eh3).

a) Short Movie

b) Pementasan Drama
      being a singer is one of my hidden dream and it came true yaiy!


c) Magazine

   present you, DAISY! me as a layouter x))

6. I meet them again

       after years, finally my list to take photos with them is accomplished!

OMG. me... ehmmmm 8/9 years ago, maybe? idk

that was my nervous face because when i came in, Bekani was too excited to see me brought my sling bag as he thought something he could play with.

7. Meet my first SUNFLOWER

       someone called me that day said want to offer something to my home. then i went home, and this what i found :P

what? i got a sunflower?! sejujur-jujurnya diriku ini belum pernah sama sekali menumbuhkan bahkan merawat tanaman. this year is the first time. takut-takut gimana gitu ya, kalo gagal kan sedih juga kecewa hik. but guess whaaaaat?

glad to meet you, my first SUNFLOWER ever.

8. Nananana

       ahahahahaahahaha. wait, why i start this with that laughter? aduh saya malu nulisnya.
      first, i gotta have to say that you will never know who'll you be in love with.
          this is the year that i could say make my heart happier than ever. as my old post said, i always got that broken things that make me didnt want to believe in that thing called love again (lol lebay). but you walked in and my dream came true. i am in love with my good friend (aduh parah aku ga pernah ngomong manis-manis begini). dibilangin kan, hidup ada-ada aja. banyak hal yang ga disangka-sangka (kaya sekarang tiba-tiba hpku batreinya melembung sedih ga sih? lah malah curhat ok cukup!- tapi akhirnya bener juga kan hpnya! lah masih dijawab lagi lol..)
    who knows that it will be you? hah?
   whatever life would bring, i am grateful and happy. for the first time, i feel more appreciated than ever. and you know, being loved by someone could make your day brighter (even in a gloomy days :P) more adventure to come, babe EH3.
  kita juga sempet jelong-jelong dong ke Solo x))

      udah ah, i cannot be the sweetest but weirdest. :))

9. I found my Saturn

   this year i am obsessed with any outer space thing dont know why. i wrote about that days ago: MORE SPACE

It's amazing how a year walks by. Everything has changed. People come and go. I cut my hair every now and then. I learn a lot from everyone and everything. Everything never goes smoothly, but then it makes me stronger and better. I do really believe now with "everything you deserve, will be yours. be patient." & "problem happens when it comes with solutions." So, chill. Be happy. Be yourself. When everything isn't right, breath, and go to the outer space; find your own galaxy there; meet your own aliens. (my instagram' caption)


this year is like a roller coaster to me. it has a drama a bit in it. everything never goes smoothly as i want, but as everything keeps on track, i know everything is okay. 
every year always has their best and worst moments for me. & i am grateful for everything. i am beyond blessed.
this year i could say i could improve myself more. sometimes i underestimate myself for this and that but you know, you have to do that to make yourself stronger and better.


i am looking forward for 2018. whatever you will bring me, ups and downs, i am ready. i have plans but God knows the best.


thank you, 2017
for everything and for everyone
esp. to whom are always patient with me
for the love and the hate
for the happiness and the sadness
for the trust and the experiences

(and once again, i'll let yang Maha segala dan semesta give many more suprises next year)

May your day will always be bright like a sunflower
dont be afraid but be confident to be yourself
be weird always

spread the love and good vibes <3

Saturn' alien number. 25

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